
The feeling of see into me…Outfit of some Day

The feeling of see into me…Outfit of some Day

Hello there, it’s been a while since I’ve been back in Outfits and my second mother tongue. I remember my friend Sinai telling me years ago in 2010 „you are so beautiful when you suffer. Pain suits you well.“ She got it, knocked it out. Pointed it. The thing few people see in me. Pain. The one kind buried into the unconscious. The forgotten feeling. The unallowed emotion. The unseen one, because beauty and style can cover a lot. And it can keep someone alive. And unseen at the same time. Cause all they see is the makeup, the dress, the shoes. Not the human being. Cause judgment is easier than empathy. Cause envy is easier than understanding. Cause avoiding is easier than see into someone. For them. For oneself. Until you wake up and become aware. Until it’s time to open up and feel what was buried for years. Until daring to feel makes more alive or the last chance to survive. How to survive the unspeakable… The following pics by my dear friend Florian Schmidbauer (click here to his website ->) were taken in summer, during a time of incredible things going on. The kind of stuff which tests you, how much you can take. The stuff that is incredibly hard and losses without words. Simply just painful. Making art is the best distraction and transformation to choose. And just because it looks fine, it does not have to feel fine, too. Especially when you are conditioned to be strong and have few people to trust with your shadows…but, for those of you with the sensitive view: Feel invited to see into me and dare to feel…there is love beyond the pain. Make up by GA-DE Cosemetics with the GA-DE Basic Contour Kit  (Click here to shop!) Outfit: babyblue Blousedress by Zara, black shorts by Mango and suede leather shoes in rose nude by Zara, clutch by Balenciaga Just in case, things get out of control… Things can get out of control and it’s not just a phrase that they say, the only thing you can control is you. The thought you choose to think (hurray, yes we have a choice what we think…surprisingly not many are aware of this freedom of choice not are they using their freedom of thoughtful choice), the way you feel, the words you use and the actions you take. Could be all so easy. It’s not. I feel you. But yet, when things get out of control, the only you can control is: YOU. So, choose wisely and have a good week… XOXO, Carrie