
The feeling of kissing the dead alive…Outfit of some Weeks

The feeling of kissing the dead alive…Outfit of some Weeks

Hey there, it’s been a while. I know. Some things need time, like having fun, making history happening to tell the story dressed in some outfits and spill my full mind. Like the story of 8th of November 2014. Don’t worry, not now. Or the story on the boat and how I felt eternity for the first time, just like the universe is bending for me. This is special stuff for a book. But how I was dressed on my journey is shown in the following pictures. And some stories about what brought me here to tell how the feeling of kissing the dead alive manifested, because I kissed a dead one alive and what lessons where to take on this chosen path to arrive where I desired to be (it’s spiritual, it’s my path, I look like a sloany pony, but anyway, get over it judging the content by it’s package…or do I look like I care..) Once upon a time, a year ago, exactly I found myself pretty having fun and making history on the stairs to nowhere in BLB, gorgeous Restaurant and Club (I mean they serve Surf&Turf, this it’s why it’s actually called Burger&Lobster Bank) looking someone in the eyes for these 3 seconds too long…what lead to a kiss sweeping me off my feet. For God’s sake I was sitting in those stairs…Not the first time, but the second time following the most intense, craziest love story and experiences of my life. Big spoiler, still Single and not having kissed my Mr. Big alive (more a soulmate friend), it has a happy ending. Me, who’s found herself and more important, what I want and inown and closer to what I desire than ever before. Needed just all of this story, even the heartbreaking, painful part and detours of the experience and every lesson coming along and another unexpected kiss to get aware of the sense behind the journey. Thank God I was sitting on a coach… But this is a story in progress…to be continued… So, let’s talk about the essential part of the experience, the kissing. I needed to experience kissing someone dead alive to get to know, that I wanted someone consciousness in my life, at my side. Sorry not, I’m done kissing the dead alive and waking those sleepy, unconscious Mangos from trees. It’s exhausting to be awake and aware alone, and boring too. What is it kind of a playground being there alone with all the beauty, joy and toys?! Cause this life gets more joyful, more beautiful and expands towards what’s truly fulfilling and connecting with the feeling of without a condition and dialed in when you share it, in community, in relation to common minds and hearts. Conscious Bonny and Clyde bending the universe to let something grow, thrive, and expand what really sweeps you of your feet, rips all the shadows away and shines brighter together than the sun. This is real love story…not craving and starving for the desires and needs never to be met…this is what (in my opinion) we are worth…so all the shadows and contrasts can teach us the direction to find it, the real deal. There is so much more to come of this worth, that we deserve our needs and desires to be met. An beneath the kissing, there is time for work. How much I love my job I did for the last 3 months and the people working with me. Another textile story…and I’m ready for a new chapter, workwise. Cause this life is too short to work your ass off for something boring, not igniting your spark, nourishing your passion and making yourself proud. Thanks to my crew at POWFOX, Popsockets and MIURA…working with you guys kissed all my passion alive…and you planted the feeling of belonging and having a home, a family deep in to my heart… The blus dress by H&M Conscious Collection, the silver shoes by Buffalo, the withe snake clutch by Luciano Barachini The patterned dress by BCBG Max Azria, the grey cardigan by COS and the black overknees by Zara The bag by Braunbüffel, the blue jacket by IQ Berlin, the printed scarf by Marlene Birger, the green dress by Zara and the black ankle boots by Max&Co and the Popsocket The bag by Braunbüffel, the grey scarf by COS, the leather skirt by Zara, the leather coat by MANGO and the large hut by H&M A Carrie, a POWFOX Charging Station and a Popsocket in leather and silk The leaopard dress by Blacky Dress Berlin, Jimmy, the black and silver clutch by Wanawake and the grey peeptoes by Jimmy Choo for H&M The Burberry Vintage Trenchcoat, the western hut by MANGO, the leather pants by Blacky Dress Berlin, the silver shirt by Isabel Marant pour H&M and the turquoise Popsocket The white coat by FOREVER 21, the Alexa bag by Mulberry, the white dress by Zara and the poncho by MANGO The dark green leather jacket by MANGO, the white dress by H&M and the Motorcycle bag by Balenciaga The little white and the little black dress by Blacky Dress Berlin and the red shoes by Fersengold The blue paperbag by Balenciaga, the grey cardigan by COS and the aztek dress by MANGO The short dress by 3.1 Philip Lim and the muddy overknees by L’autre Chose, on the left, the bowling shoes by Chloé combinded with the drak green leather jacket by MANGO, the colorful scarf by Codello The Louis Vuitton weekender, the Patrizia Pepe trenchcoat and the red dress by Blacky Dress BerlinThe rosy peeptoes by Loft 37, the black Valentino sun glasses, the Patrizia Pepe trenchcoat and the Muse bag by YSL The leather jacket and dress by MANGO The nude Alexa bag by Mulberry, the white vest and hut by H&M Coachella and the silk dress by Tolani I’d like to share something keeping me together, some words a wise man gave me along my journey: I love and The feeling of kissing the dead alive…Outfit of some Weeks weiterlesen

The feeling of no one like you…Outfit of the day

The feeling of no one like you…Outfit of the day

Hello there, caught up in the middle of processes which names I don’t know, maybe it’s transformation or just the beginning of fall, it’s about time to envelope the whole change in a new look. Change can be frightening because of the uncertainty, the reminding how much trouble and pain first steps took in the past, how much was going wrong until it turned out finally good. And it just feels so weird, until I remind myself of some simple rules which worked out pretty fine for me. Everything we are going trough, just prepares us for what we have asked. I still feel pretty lined up for arrival, but something, I have no idea how or why, lifts me up to stay patient, keep calm and just let it be. Always at the right time and  it makes me feel at ease again and again. And every step I take seems right, feels good and takes a little closer to what I asked for. It’s been a while I asked for something in my life. As far as I can tell I at least found a new look, myself and myself in a better place. Wrapped in something cosy, dressed n something sexy and standing proud and tall on my own feet. This fall is the time to harvest the fruits of any taken lesson, harvest this something good which comes out of a little bit something bad, it’s about time to forget and forgive about the past and cherrypick the good to enjoy, to invest into a beautiful save secure cosy future and new wishes, asking fors and goals. I am ready. Coat by Forever 21, Minidress by Mango and Ankleboots by Max&Co., Location: Olympus Playground München, Photographer: Rebecca Schmitt ( I am still a little caught up in the middle. After all the tossing and turning, I find myself at the same point. They say when you find yourself, you find love, cause that who you are, love, we are all nothing but love, connected. And I found myself and I found someone like you. And there is no one like you. I can walk a hundred miles, look around crowds of people, can tinder along the most lonely nights, fly and flirt around the city and there is no one like you. I can cycle the English Garden back and forth, run away, to hell and back. I can be as impatient as hell, patient like a Buddha, I can be half a Buddha, my worst and best, I can be in between, arrived and on my way, as stubborn as a mule, bitchy as Paris and clueless as before I met you, wise as ever, aware of everything and soaked in doubts, fear, luck and love and there is no one like you… XOXO, Carrie

Le temps Chanel et moi…Outfit of the day…

Le temps Chanel et moi…Outfit of the day…

Salut mes beautés… …das heutige Outfit ist eine kleine Hommage an Madame Coco Chanel, denn Madame hatte schon vor 100 Jahren ein zeitloses Gespür für Stil. „Stil ist die Geliebte der Kunst“ sagte Madame irgendwann in ihrem langem und schöpfungsreichem Leben. Und es sind ein paar Grundlegende Regeln an die sich die Geliebte für einen erfolgreichen Auftritt halten muss. Madame’s Stilregeln bin ich damals während meiner Abiturzeit intensiv begegnet, denn die Wahl in Französisch Abitur abzulegen gründete auf der Zusage meiner geliebten Französischlehrerin, meine Facharbeit über La Maison Chanel schreiben zu dürfen. ich betrat, ebenfalls im Zuge meiner Recherche, zum ersten Mal ehrfürchtig den Chanel Store in München und auf dem Tresen lag ein Buch, Le Temps Chanel aus. Da es sich um ein rein französisches Werk handelte, wurde die im Elsass ansässige Verwandtschaft mit der Beschaffung eben dieses Werkes beauftragt, da es mit unentbehrlich für die Fertigstellung der Arbeit erschien. Ebenso wie jede Ausgabe der französischen Vogue im Abiturjahr. Wenn es um den angestrebtem Abschluss geht, sollte kein Aufwand zu gering sein, schließlich war dies die erste wissenschaftlich Arbeit meines Lebens. Und wenn ich zurückblicke, eigentlich keine Arbeit sondern ein Spaziergang auf besagter Luxusmeile in München. Eine der unverzichtbaren Stilregeln geistert mit seit dieser Zeit bei jeder Outfitwahl durch den Kopf…Nicht mehr als 3 Farben und für den gewissen Chanel Look, Schwarz, Weiß und Rosa. Mehr nicht, c’est tout. Ganz im Sinne von Madame ist daher folgender Look entstanden… Weißer Smokingblazer mit Goldknöpfen von Mango (aktuell), nuderosa Bluse von Zara (letzte Saison), Lederleggins von Vero Moda (letzte Saison), goldenen Uhr von Michael Kors und Ankleboots von Max&Co (akutell). Um dem Blognamen in diesem Jahr gerechter zu werden, habe ich meine neueste Errungenschaft in Sachen Fußbekleidung noch einmal abgelichtet…Für solch hohe Hacken sind sie erstaunlich bequem. Übrigens war für Madame, die in bitterer Armut groß geworden war, Stil auch keine Frage des Geldes. Le sentiment Chanel kann man durchaus auch ohne Einkäufe in besagten Luxusboutiquen erreichen. Madame war nämlich folgender Ansicht…“Wieviele Sorgen verliert man, wenn man sich entschließt, nicht etwas sondern jemand zu sein.“ L’attitude, c’est tout. Und ein paar Grundregeln… XOXO, Sissi

Solange ich noch grübel…Outfit of last Weekend…

Solange ich noch grübel…Outfit of last Weekend…

Hello zum endgültig letzten Tag in diesem Jahr… …letztes Wochenende war ich auch mal wieder aus für deine Geburtstagfeierlichkeiten und einen Mädelsabschlussabend. Meiner neuentdeckten Liebe zu Paillettenröcken ist daher das Outfit vom letzten Wochenende geschuldet. Den Temperaturen war geschuldet, dass ich leider nur ein schnelles Ubahn-Selfie in der Winterjacke schießen konnte…allerdings ist der Star des Outfits gut erkennbar und ich habe extra den Kuschelschal abgenommen 🙂 Und das hatte ich im Genauen an: Winterdaunenjacke von Airfield, Bluse von H&M, Lederjacke von Mango, Paillettenrock von Zare, schwarze Booties von Max&Co., Tasche von Michael Kors und Statementkette von Zara sowie schwarze, blickdichte Strumpfhosen vom DM (sind super, nur zu empfehlen) Die glühenden Bäckchen stammen übrigens nicht von der Winterkälte, die seit ein paar Tagen im schönen München Einzug hält…sondern von einer kosmetischen Neuentdeckung. Gott, machen die wunderschöne Blushes…aber dazu mehr in Neuen Jahr. Ich grübel immer noch am Silvesteroutfit und Make up, gleich beginnt die textile Durchforstung… Ich wünsche Euch daher schon einmal einen guten Rutsch und freudige Vorbereitung dazu!!! XOXO, Sissi